Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Excavator - The most flexible machine

The excavator is one well known power machines and needless to say as they are so flexible in so many ways that is why they became so popular in many construction sites.

When I mentioned that they are flexible, it means that they can be adapted to do so many types of works. What makes them so flexible is the ability to swap attachments. The normal attachment is a bucket and even bucket wise, they can be changed to different types of bucket for different situation.

There are small width bucket for digging trenches to large buckets for quick loading of excavated materials. Even the bucket had attachment that can be swapped. See, bucket are designed with teeth that have detachable cover to protect the bucket from wear and tear. In hard materials, these covers can be changed.

Beside bucket the excavator can be attached with other attachment and powered off by the hydraulic system of the excavator. One such attachment is the jack hammer used in demolishing or breaking up of rocks.

Another attachment is the grabber again powered by the hydraulic system of the excavator. These power grabber can grab and cut metal just like a pair of scissors cutting up papers. Here they cut up metal pieces from cars to demolished buildings reinforcement.

Not forgetting the large electromagnet as an attachment as seen in junkyards where these machines are used to separate ferrous metals from non ferrous metal.

Thus you can see how flexible an excavator is or are. My next post will again at more flexibility of the excavators . . .drilling & vibrating . . .yep it has to do with the two mode.

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